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Dr. Julian Schofield’s research focuses on security and strategic studies in south and Southeast Asia. He is currently working on three major projects.  The first is a SSHRC-funded investigation of south Asian insurgency movements that looks at the relationship between secessionist groups and kin states.  The second project, also SSHRC-funded, examines state-directed proliferation, applying a balance-of-power model to analyze why states would deliberately choose to share their nuclear technology.  The third project, funded by the Department of National Defense, is an investigation of the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan and builds upon Dr. Schofield’s earlier work by focusing on trade relations between the two countries, a relationship he views as integral to Canadian military efforts in Afghanistan.


Selected Bibliography

Julian Schofield. Strategic Nuclear Sharing (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)

Usama Butt and Julian Schofield. Pakistan: the US, Geopolitics and Grand Strategies (London: Pluto Press, 2012).

Julian Schofield. Militarization and War (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).

Trygve Alexander Giaever, and Julian Schofield. “South American Market Integration: The Argentina Brazil Rivalry Myth and Motivations for the Southern Common Market,” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 49:2, (June 2016), pp.221-241

Julian Schofield and Benjamin Zyla. “The AfPak Campaign and the Limits of Canadian Diplomacy,” Diplomacy and Statecraft, 25:3, (2014), pp.509-528

Julian Schofield. “Modeling Choices in Nuclear Warfighting: Two Classroom Simulations on Escalation and Retaliation” Simulation and Gaming, 44:1, (February 2013), pp.73-93

Julian Schofield. “Diversionary Wars: Pashtun Unrest and the Sources of the Pakistan‐Afghan Confrontation,” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 17:1, (March 2011), pp.38-49.

Julian Schofield and Michael Zekulin. “Appraising the Threat of an Islamist Military Coup in Post-OBL Pakistan” Defense & Security Analysis, 27:4, (December 2011), pp.181-192

“Pakistan`s Strategic Trade with Afghanistan,” Security and Peace/Sicherheit und Frieden, No.4 Jahrgang 2010, 251256.

Julian Schofield. “Diagnostic Confusion and Missed Opportunities: Canada and Pakistan’s ‘Failed State’”, pp.121-142. in From Kinshasa to Kandahar: Canada and Fragile States in Historical Perspective, eds. Michael J. Carroll and Greg Donaghy (Calgary: Calgary University Press, 2016)

Julian Schofield. “Pakistan’s Evolving Role in China’s Grand Strategy”, pp.149-166 in China and International Security: History, Strategy, and 21st-Century Policy, eds. Donovan Chau and Thomas Kane (Westport: Praeger, 2013), Vol.3

“The Robustness of ChinesePakistan Alliance Relations,” in Riaz Ahmed Shaikh (ed) Back from the Brink – IndiaPakistan Ties Revisited (Karachi: Ushba Publishing International, 2013), 205259.

“Cartographie Des Groupes Talibans et de Leurs Modes D’Action En Afghanistan et Au Pakistan,” in Aurélie Campana et Gérard Hervouet (dir.),

“Afghan Development Through Regional Trade,” in GeorgErhard,

Afghanistan in the Balance: Counterinsurgency, Comprehensive

Approach and Political Order, (Montreal: Queen`sMcGill

University Press, 2012), 141155, (with Jose Saramago and Brent Gerchicoff).

“PakistanChina Strategic Relations,” in Usama Butt and Julian Schofield (eds), Pakistan the

US, Geopolitics and Grand Strategies (London: Pluto, 2012), 151169

“Pakistan’s CounterInsurgency Doctrine,” in Paul Rich, and Isabelle Duyvesteyn (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency (London: Routledge, 2012), 324334.

“Militarized Decision Making and War in Pakistan – 19471971,” in Scott Gates and Kaushik Roy (eds), Conventional Warfare in South Asia, 1947 to the Present, (Surrey: Ashgate, 2011), 393410

“The Prospect of a Populist Islamist Takeover of Pakistan,” in Usama Butt and N. Elahi (eds), Escaping Quagmire: Strategy, Security and the Future of Pakistan (New York: Continuum, 2010).

Julian Schofield, “Dealing with Pakistan’s Nuclear Breakout” The Diplomat (Nov 27, 2015).

Julian Schofield. “Islam and the Afghanistan Campaign,” Points de Mire, 11:4, (March 2010).

Julian Schofield. “Pakistan and the Global Partnership” The G8 Global Partnership: New Avenues for an Expanding Program against the Threat of WMDs (Ottawa, Foreign Affairs Canada, 2010), pp.106-131

Julian Schofield. “Mistakes and Lessons from the Afghan War” eInternational Relations (March 2011)

Julian Schofield. “The Anatomy and Future of Pakistan’s Afghan Interests” The Journal of Conflict Studies, 28 (2008), pp.83-93

Julian Schofield and Jose Saramago. “Pakistani Interests in NATO’s Afghanistan,” in Adaptation of NATO (Winnipeg: Bison, 2008) Paper 11, pp.129-46

Julian Schofield and Reeta Tremblay, “Institutional Causes of Indo-Pakistani Rivalry,” in T.V. Paul, ed. The India-Pakistan Conflict: An Enduring Rivalry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 225-248

Julian Schofield, “Challenges for NATO in Afghan Pakistan Relations,” International Security Series: Pakistan: Local Politics and Regional Security, Canadian Institute of International Affairs (May 2007), pp. 5-8

“NATO’s Lacunae in Afghanistan,” Vanguard, Mar/Apr, 2010 (with Emil Torosyan)

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